Get Data Factory to Check Itself for a Running Pipeline via the Azure Management API

Hi friends, just a very quick how to guide style post on something I had to build in Azure Data Factory. Scenario: I want to trigger a Data Factory pipeline, but when I do I want the pipeline to know if it's already running. If it is already running, stop the new run. Sounds simple … Continue reading Get Data Factory to Check Itself for a Running Pipeline via the Azure Management API

Best Practices for Implementing Azure Data Factory

Blog post updated 14th August 2021 🙂 My colleagues and friends from the community keep asking me the same thing... What are the best practices from using Azure Data Factory (ADF)? With any emerging, rapidly changing technology I'm always hesitant about the answer. However, after 6 years of working with ADF I think its time … Continue reading Best Practices for Implementing Azure Data Factory