What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

A few weeks ago I delivered an introduction session on Azure Synapse Analytics as part of the Data Toboggan event. In my session I explored what Synapse is? And given the answer isn’t that straight forward or obvious I thought it was probably worth re-sharing here as the recording is now available on YouTube.

In the video you’ll see…

Question: What is Azure Synapse Analytics?

Answer 1: My thoughts when comparing it to existing data processing tools.

Answer 2: From a timeline point of view considered when Synapse was first announced in November 2019.

Answer 3: According to Microsoft via the usual marketing webpage.

Answer 4: When compared to existing Azure Resources.

Answer 5: In terms of what Synapse offers when we explore the workspace and developer UI.

Answer 6: What advantages does the integrated suite of resource give us.

Slides available in my GitHub repo here: https://github.com/mrpaulandrew/CommunityEvents/blob/master/DataToboggan-Online-2021/Slide%20Deck.pdf

Thanks again to the event organizers.


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